Comparative Studies of Senescence in Natural Populations of Guppies

Investigators have rarely sought evidence for senescence in natural populations because it is assumed that relatively few individuals will survive long enough in the wild to exhibit the intrinsic increase in mortality with age expected from senescent individuals. Nevertheless, senescence has been documented in some natural populations, mostly in birds and mammals. Here we report on a comparative study of senescence in two natural populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We document senescence as an age-specific increase in mortality rate, with use of mark-recapture studies and implementation of program MARK for analysis of such observations. Extrinsic mortality was controlled for by choosing populations that experience low rates of predation because they coexist with only a single piscine predator (Rivulus hartii). These populations differ in their evolutionary history because one was native to such a site whereas the other was introduced to a site that previously contained no guppies. The source of the introduced guppies was a high-predation population downstream below a barrier waterfall. Theory predicts that the guppies derived from a high-predation locality should experience senescence at an earlier age than the native low-predation population; however, the historical differences among these populations are also confounded with everything else that differs among the two localities. We found that females from a natural low-predation population have delayed senescence compared with the recently established population and hence that the differences among localities in senescence conform to theoretical predictions. The males from natural low-predation environments also had lower overall mortality rates, but contrary to predictions, the pattern of senescence for males did not differ between populations. The difference between the sexes is potentially attributable to two factors that lower the statistical power for distinguishing differences in the age-specific acceleration of mortality in males. One factor is that males have higher mortality rates, so fewer survive to advanced ages. A second is that we had a greater ability to discriminate among older age classes in females. We also found that the introduced population sustained a higher rate of disease than the native low-predation population. Such disease may represent a confounding factor in our comparison, but it may also reflect one of the trade-offs inherent in the life-history differences of these populations.