Energy Value of Various Feeds for the Young Pig

In a series of balance studies the energy value of 18 feeds for swine was determined as digestible energy, metabolizable energy, and metabolizable energy adjusted for N balance. Values were obtained by feeding each test material in addition to a control mixture formulated to provide adequate amounts of all nutrients, except energy. Pigs weighing 15.4 kg were individually fed in metabolism cages for a 6-day collection period. Gross energy and N determinations on the feeds, feces, and urine were made for all pigs. Pigs which received a diet containing at least 35% crude protein in the diet excreted an average of 6.77 kcal in the urine/g of urinary N, and this value was used to adjust all metabolizable energy values for N balance. The unadjusted metabolizable energy and the metabolizable energy adjusted for N balance averaged 94.7 + 5.3% and 91.6 [plus or minus] 6.3% of the digestible energy, respectively.