Chlamydiainfection in cats in New Zealand

Conjunctival swabs collected in 1991-92 from 333 pedigree and non-pedigree cats were tested for the presence of Chlamydia spp. antigen using an ELISA antigen kit. Forty (18.4%) of the 217 samples from cats with conjunctivitis were positive. Seven (6%) of 116 samples from cats which were in contact with cats with conjunctivitis but which showed no clinical signs at the time of sample collection were positive. Positive-testing cats were frequently from multi-cat households. Chlamydia spp. is present and associated with conjunctivitis in cats in New Zealand. Infection may occur concurrently with viral diseases. Feline calicivirus was recovered from 27 (21 with conjunctivitis) of 37 cats tested in five catteries. Four cats (with conjunctivitis) were FIV-positive.