Moderate Exercise Attenuates the Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass That Occurs With Intentional Caloric Restriction-Induced Weight Loss in Older, Overweight to Obese Adults

Aging is associated with a loss of muscle mass and increased body fat. The effects of diet-induced weight loss on muscle mass in older adults are not clear. This study examined the effects of diet-induced weight loss, alone and in combination with moderate aerobic exercise, on skeletal muscle mass in older adults. Twenty-nine overweight to obese (body mass index = 31.8 ± 3.3 kg/m2) older (67.2 ± 4.2 years) men (n = 13) and women (n = 16) completed a 4-month intervention consisting of diet-induced weight loss alone (WL; n = 11) or with exercise (WL/EX; n = 18). The WL intervention consisted of a low-fat, 500–1,000 kcal/d caloric restriction. The WL/EX intervention included the WL intervention with the addition of aerobic exercise, moderate-intensity walking, three to five times per week for 35–45 minutes per session. Whole-body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, thigh computed tomography (CT), and percutaneous muscle biopsy were performed to assess changes in skeletal muscle mass at the whole-body, regional, and cellular level, respectively. Mixed analysis of variance demonstrated that both groups had similar decreases in bodyweight (WL, −9.2% ± 1.0%; WL/EX, −9.1% ± 1.0%) and whole-body fat mass (WL, −16.5%, WL/EX, −20.7%). However, whole-body fat-free mass decreased significantly (p < .05) in WL (−4.3% ± 1.2%) but not in WL/EX (−1.1% ± 1.0%). Thigh muscle cross-sectional area by CT decreased in both groups (WL, −5.2% ± 1.1%; WL/EX, −3.0% ± 1.0%) and was not statistically different between groups. Type I muscle fiber area decreased in WL (−19.2% ± 7.9%, p = .01) but remained unchanged in WL/EX (3.4% ± 7.5%). Similar patterns were observed in type II fibers (WL, −16.6% ± 4.0%; WL/EX, −0.2% ± 6.5%). Diet-induced weight loss significantly decreased muscle mass in older adults. However, the addition of moderate aerobic exercise to intentional weight loss attenuated the loss of muscle mass.