Spinal fusion using an autologous growth factor gel and a porous resorbable ceramic

Augmenting healing through a single application of an exogenous growth factor or bone morphogenetic protein is not a new concept. The use of autologous growth factors through platelet isolation and concentration provides multiple endogenous growth factors to the healing site. A posterolateral fusion model in aged sheep (5- to 6-year-old ewes) was used to examine the effects of the addition of growth factors through autologous platelet isolation on the biomechanic and histologic properties of the fusion using a resorbable coral bone graft substitute. At 6 months the combination of autologous growth factors to the Pro Osteon 500R plus aspirated bone marrow resulted in the greatest bending stiffness but not ultimate load. Autologous growth factors can be isolated from platelets and concentrated to provide multiple growth factors to the fusion site to aid in spinal fusion.