Reanalysis of the HLA‐DRw6 complex

The serological definition of the HLA-DRw6 specificity was complicated by the lack of monospecific reagents. During the 8th International Histocompatibility Workshop several subspecificities of DRw6 were proposed. The reactions of 8th Workshop and local sera were reanalyzed in families and homozygous typing cells. Four DRw6 related reaction patterns were revealed. The patterns are described and compared with those reported by others. Two of these specificities are commonly observed in Dutch Caucasoids, one related with Dw6 and one with Dw9. The other DRw6 related reaction patterns are very infrequent in this population. The relation between a locally defined specificity LB5x8 and 2 new specificities 8wDRw13 and 8wDRw17 is discussed.