Randomized Trial of Allopurinol in the Prevention of Calcium Oxalate Calculi

In a double-blind study, we examined the efficacy of allopurinol in the prevention of recurrent calcium oxalate calculi of the kidney. Sixty patients with hyperuricosuria and normocalciuria who had a history of calculi were randomly assigned to receive either allopurinol (100 mg three times daily) or a placebo. After the study, the placebo group had 63.4 percent fewer calculi (P<0.001), whereas the allopurinol group had 81.2 percent fewer calculi (P<0.001). During the study period, the mean rate of calculous events was 0.26 per patient per year in the placebo group and 0.12 in the allopurinol group. When the treatment groups were compared by actuarial analysis, the allopurinol group was found to have a significantly longer time before recurrence of calculi (P<0.02).