Wingless Signaling in Drosophila Eye Development

The secreted morphogen Wingless (Wg) has a variety of functions throughout Drosophila eye development, controlling tissue specification, growth, and patterning. Wg plays a critical role in subdividing the eye imaginal disc into separate primordia that will give rise to the adult retina and the surrounding head capsule. During larval development, wg is expressed in the anterior lateral margins of the eye disc, regions that will give rise to head cuticle; Wg signaling promotes the head fate and prevents these marginal regions from initiating ectopic photoreceptor differentiation. Expression of wg at the dorsal margin is earlier and stronger than at the ventral margin, allowing Wg to contribute to specifying the dorsal domain of the eye disc. Finally, during the pupal stages, wg expression surrounds the entire eye and a concentric gradient of Wg establishes several distinct peripheral retinal cell fates. This chapter reviews these aspects of Wg function and describes how to generate clones of cells mutant for genes encoding components of the Wg signaling pathway in the eye disc and examine their effects on photoreceptor differentiation by immunohistochemistry.