Prospective Study of Factors Predicting Adherence to Medical Advice in Men With Testicular Cancer

To identify predictive factors of adherence to medical advice, specifically the likelihood of attendance to a recommended follow-up regimen in patients with newly diagnosed testicular cancer. This was a prospective study measuring initially not only aspects of the doctor–patient interview, but also a range of demographic, psychological, social, and medical factors, and then recording attendance behavior on follow-up. All 209 new patients with testicular cancer referred between June 1992 and May 1995 were approached, and 184 men consented and completed questionnaires. The nonadherence end point (nonattender) was two failures to attend an outpatient appointment at least 1 month apart, despite a written reminder. Thirty-two participants (17%) were classified as nonattenders. No significant differences were found between attenders and nonattenders in the majority of psychosocial and medical variables that might have predicted nonadherence to medical advice. There was a highly significant association between nonattendance and a patient's perception of an unsatisfactory affective relationship with his clinician (P = .005; hazard ratio, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.4 to 6.6). Patients who perceived an unsatisfactory affective relationship with their clinician that included an inability to trust the clinician and a perception that they were not being treated as “a person” were subsequently more likely to disregard medical advice regarding follow-up. Attention to the ways young men may wish to communicate with their clinicians is important, bearing in mind that they may not necessarily adhere to stereotypical images of masculine self-dependence.