Progressive Neuropathologic Lesions in Vitamin E-Deficient Rhesus Monkeys

A consistent group of progressive central and peripheral nervous system lesions developed in seven rhesus monkeys maintained on a vitamin E-deficient diet for 30 to 33 months. These lesions were absent from vitamin E-supplemented monkeys. The principal neuropathologic alteration was loss of sensory axons in the posterior columns, sensory roots, and peripheral nerves. Morphologic and morphometric studies indicated that the distal segments of the axons were affected most severely and large-caliber myelinated fibers are selectively involved. Swollen, dystrophic axons (spheroids) occurred infrequently. Degeneration and phagocytosis of small numbers of neuronal perikarya were observed in the dorsal root ganglia and the anterior horns. The number of affected neurons was not proportional to the number of affected axons. Accumulation of lipopigment was evident in neuronal perikarya and CNS endothelial cells. The nervous system lesions were usually accompanied by a chronic necrotizing myopathy. The neuropathologic lesions in vitamin E-deficient monkeys are compared with those in vitamin E-deficient rats and in humans with low serum vitamin E concentrations. A similar type of sensory axonopathy is associated with chronic deficiency of vitamin E in these three species.