An evaluation of feedblocks as a means of providing supplementary nutrients to ewes grazing upland/hill pastures

A series of trials was conducted to measure the extent of individual variation in feedblock intake for ewes on upland/hill farms. From 15 flocks on nine farms 4284 ewes were selected with a range of environmental conditions and levels of performance. Ewes were given either Rumevite, Norbloc or Wintawell feedblocks containing chromic oxide. Faecal grab samples were taken per rectum from individual ewes and analysed for their chromium content to obtain estimates of feedblock consumption.The results showed that provision of feedblocks does not ensure a uniform intake of supplementary nutrients by sheep in upland/hill situations. On average, 19% of the 2931 ewes sampled had not eaten the feedblock on offer. The proportion of ewes not consuming feedblock varied from flock to flock (0 to 67%). The coefficient of variation of faecal chromium concentrations varied between flocks (46 to 231%). The reasons for the large variation in intakes observed are discussed. Feedblock intake was significantly affected by the grazing area per ewe (PPP< 0·001).