Changes in Carpal Tunnel Shape During Wrist Joint Motion

This study evaluated dynamically the morphology of the carpal tunnel during the wrist motion. The object was to determine the transverse dimension (TD), anteroposterior(AP) dimension and cross-sectional area (CA) of the carpal tunnel in the neutral, flexed and extended positions. The wrists of eight male and eight female volunteers aged 20 to 38 years were studied. With wrist extension, AP and CA decreased while the TD increased at the pisiform level, and CA increased at the hamate level. With flexion, TD and CA decreased at the pisiform level and CA decreased at the hamate level. The results showed that the median nerve may be subjected to significant pressure at the pisiform level when the wrist is extended. During wrist flexion, the cross-sectional area decreased at both the level of the pisiform and the hook of the hamate.