Reducing antibiotic use for acute bronchitis in primary care: blinded, randomised controlled trial of patient information leaflet * Commentary: More self reliance in patients and fewer antibiotics: still room for improvement

What is already known on this topic What is already known on this topic Most adults with acute bronchitis who consult their general practitioner will receive antibiotics For most patients antibiotics do not modify the natural course of the symptoms The widespread belief among patients that infection is the problem and antibiotics the solution has considerable influence on prescribing by general practitioners, even when they judge that antibiotics are not definitely indicated What this study adds What this study adds General practitioners judged that about four in five adults with acute bronchitis did not definitely need antibiotics on the day they consulted Antibiotic use was reduced by a quarter in such patients, who received verbal and written information and reassurance in addition to a prescription for antibiotics Sharing with the patient the uncertainty about the decision to prescribe seems safe and effective What is already known on this topic What is already known on this topic Most adults with acute bronchitis who consult their general practitioner will receive antibiotics For most patients antibiotics do not modify the natural course of the symptoms The widespread belief among patients that infection is the problem and antibiotics the solution has considerable influence on prescribing by general practitioners, even when they judge that antibiotics are not definitely indicated What this study adds What this study adds General practitioners judged that about four in five adults with acute bronchitis did not definitely need antibiotics on the day they consulted Antibiotic use was reduced by a quarter in such patients, who received verbal and written information and reassurance in addition to a prescription for antibiotics Sharing with the patient the uncertainty about the decision to prescribe seems safe and effective