Ventricle-directed migration in the developing cerebral cortex

It is believed that postmitotic neurons migrate away from their sites of origin in the germinal zones to populate distant targets. Contrary to this notion, we found, using time-lapse imaging of brain slices, populations of neurons positioned at various levels of the developing neocortex that migrate towards the cortical ventricular zone. After a pause in this proliferative zone, they migrate radially in the direction of the pial surface to take up positions in the cortical plate. Immunohistochemical analysis together with tracer labeling in brain slices showed that cells showing ventricle-directed migration in the developing cortex are GABAergic interneurons originating in the ganglionic eminence in the ventral telencephalon. We speculate that combinations of chemoattractant and chemorepellent molecules are involved in this ventricle-directed migration and that interneurons may seek the cortical ventricular zone to receive layer information.