Gas-filled targets for large scale-length plasma interaction experiments on Nova

Stimulated Brillouin backscatter from large scale‐length gas‐filled targets has been measured on the Nova laser. These targets were designed to approximate conditions in indirect drive ignition target designs in underdense plasma electron density (ne∼1021/cm3), temperature (Te≳3 keV), and gradient scale lengths (Ln∼2 mm, Lv≳6 mm) as well as calculated gain for stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). The targets used in these experiments were gas‐filled balloons with polyimide walls (gasbags) and gas‐filled hohlraums. Detailed characterization using x‐ray imaging and x‐ray and optical spectroscopy verifies that the calculated plasma conditions are achieved. Time‐resolved SBS backscatter from these targets is <3% for conditions similar to ignition target designs.