Experiential learning in an anaesthesia simulation centre: analysis of students' comments

The anesthesia computer-controlled patient simulator offers a valuable experiential learning experience for undergraduate medical students. The purpose of this study was to gather students' opinions of the simulator learning experiences and to study and analyze their comments regarding the nature of the learning. All fourth-year medical students were invited to participate in a simulator session during their anesthesia rotation. A satisfaction survey was administered and the qualitative data were analyzed. A total of 145 students completed the questionnaire (100% return rate). Most students (88%) reported the session to be a positive learning experience that provided opportunities for applying their knowledge in a realistic environment. Some students indicated a lack of comfort in the environment but this did not appear to inhibit performance. Student comments highlighted the value of the learning experience and provided insights into the nature of the learning. The computer-controlled patient simulator offers new and challenging opportunities for medical students to apply their knowledge and practice working through an Anesthesia case without endangering patient safety.