Treatment of HER-2/ neu Overexpressing Breast Cancer Xenograft Models with Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Gefitinib (ZD1839): Drug Combination Effects on Tumor Growth, HER-2/ neu and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression, and Viable Hypoxic Cell Fraction

Purpose: Retinoids, which include vitamin A (retinol; ROL) and its derivatives, have been investigated in the treatment of bladder cancer. We have shown that expression of the enzyme lecithin:ROL acyltransferase (LRAT), which converts ROL to retinyl esters, is reduced in several human cancers. Here we evaluated expression of LRAT protein and mRNA in normal and malignant bladder tissue specimens from human patients. We also examined the effect of retinoids on LRAT expression in bladder cancer cell lines.