Quality of leucoreduced red blood cell concentrates: 5 years of follow-up in France

Since 1998, prestorage leucoreduction of all cellular blood components has been made mandatory in France. The French blood service needed to follow the data on the quality of the blood components prepared by blood centres. Quality control (QC) data were submitted to a central data bank by each blood centre. The data were stratified by preparation method for analysis of key performance criteria - residual white blood cell (WBC) and total haemoglobin content. The red blood cell (RBC) preparation processes and the methods for measuring haemoglobin content and residual WBC count were those routinely employed by blood centres. Each year, more than 15,500 RBCs were tested. Red blood cells had a mean haemoglobin content between 53.6 and 54.9 g/unit depending on the year (2001 to 2005). The requirement of 40 g/unit was reached for about 99% of units. The haemoglobin content was influenced by the preparation process: 56.8 +/- 6.9 vs. 50.6 +/- 5.6 g/unit in average for whole blood filtration or RBC filtration, respectively. Apheresis RBCs exhibited a reduced variability (51.8 +/- 3.1 g/unit). The median residual WBC count remained low (0.046 to 0.057 x 10(6) WBCs/unit), and the percentage of RBC units exceeding the 1 x 10(6) WBCs/unit cut-off ranged from 1.5 to 0.6% depending on the year. A seasonal pattern was observed, with a significant increase (P < 0.001) of the median residual WBC count and of the percent of non-conforming units during the summer months. Our QC data suggest an overall compliance with the standard. Our data bank is useful to inform on the performance of leucoreduced RBC preparation processes carried out with market available devices.