The scattering amplitude for particles of spin σ1 and σ2 is examined in the angular-momentum plane, and the perturbation terms are found to have poles at the positive integers below σ12 or at the corresponding half-integers if σ12 is half-integral. In the complete amplitude, the poles begin to move away from these values as the coupling is turned on. However, the amplitude in the j-plane, obtained by analytically continuing the amplitude from values ofj greater than σ1 + σ2- 1, will not be equal to the physical partial-wave amplitudes at the points in question. In the presence of a third double-spectral function, the states of the wrong signature will have essential singularities of the Gribov-Pomeranchuk type at these points. Our results are also valid in processes which can have an intermediate state with particles of spin σ1 and σ2. If the spinning particles are themselves Regge particles, all these statements may require modification.