Cyclamate consumption in Catalonia, Spain (1992): Relationship with the body mass Index

The dietary intake of cyclamate was evaluated in the north‐east of Spain in 1992. In a random sample of the Catalan population consisting of 2450 people aged 6–75 years, two 24‐h recalls at different seasons were collected; the amount and type of all foods, drinks and drugs consumed were obtained and the total daily intake of cyclamate was expressed in mg/kg body weight (bw), as the average of both 24‐h recalls. Eighteen percent of the population consumed cyclamate, and the highest percentage was in men aged 35–44 years (33%). Average daily intake of cyclamate was 0.44 mg/kg bw in the whole population and 2.44 mg/kg bw among consumers. Subjects following a diet reported highest intakes, especially diabetics, and only 0.16% of the sample studied had levels above the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). Among consumers, the intake of cyclamate was negatively correlated with Body Mass Index (BMI). The results show the pattern of cyclamate intake in the Spanish population.