Collagen Cross-Linking Alterations in Joint Contractures: Changes in the Reducible Cross-Links in Periarticular Connective Tissue Collagen After Nine Weeks of Immobilization

A significant increase in the NaBH4 reducible intermolecular cross-links in the 9 week immobilized rabbit periarticular connective tissue was found. Dihydroxylysinonorleucine, hydroxylysinonorleucine, and histidinohydroxymerodesmosine were the major cross-links which increased during the period of immobilization. No change in the hydroxlysine/lysine ratio between the immobilized and control periarticular connective tissue collagen was detected during the 9 weeks of enforced immobilization of the rabbit knee. Since the collagen mass in the immobilized periarticular connective tissue does not change, or at most is reduced 10%, we suggest that there is an increase in collagen cross-links expressed both in per unit weight of collagen and on the basis of collagen mass per knee due to the lack of physical stress and motion.