Increased Concentrations of Cholestanol and Apolipoprotein B in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis

We investigated the effect of chenodeoxycholic acid on cerebrospinal fluid sterol and protein composition in six patients with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, a progressive neurologic disease, and in 11 control subjects. In the cerebrospinal fluid from the controls, the mean (±SD) levels of cholesterol and cholestanol were 400±300 and 4±7 μg per deciliter, respectively. The levels were almost 1.5 and 20 times higher in cerebrospinal fluid from untreated patients with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Cholestanol levels were also markedly elevated in the plasma of untreated patients, but their plasma cholesterol levels (215±61 mg per deciliter) were not different from control values. Treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid reduced cerebrospinal fluid cholesterol by 34 percent and cholestanol threefold. Plasma cholestanol levels also decreased sharply.