Non‐melanoma skin cancer: Ten years of cancer‐registry‐based surveillance

The Tasmanian Cancer Registry carried out population‐based surveillance of non‐melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) from 1978 to 1987. A total of 8,651 NMSC were recorded in 7,160 individuals, representing an age‐standardized rate of 161/100,000 per year. Ninety‐four percent of cases were based on histological diagnosis. Incidence of basal‐cell carcinoma (BCC) was higher than the incidence of squamous‐cell carcinoma (SCC). The incidence of NMSC was twice as high in men as in women. Incidence increased substantially with age, more markedly for SCC than BCC. For most body sites, BCC was more frequent, but on highly exposed sites such as the backs of hands, lower limbs in women and ears in men, the incidence of SCC was higher. There was an overall increase of 7% per year in the age‐standardized incidence rate of NMSC. The increase was more marked for BCC than for SCC, and was consistent across age groups and both sexes. A first NMSC during the study period was associated with a 12‐fold increase among men and a 15‐fold increase among women in the risk of development of a new NMSC within 5 years, when compared with the NMSC incidence recorded for the population as a whole.