A genomics approach in determining nanotopographical effects on MSC phenotype

Topography and its effects on cell adhesion, morphology, growth and differentiation are well documented. Thus, current advances with the use of nanotopographies offer promising results in the field of regenerative medicine. Studies have also shown nanotopographies to have strong effects on stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. What is less clear however is what mechanotransductive mechanisms are employed by the cells to facilitate such changes. In fastidious cell types, it has been suggested that direct mechanotransduction producing morphological changes in the nucleus, nucleoskeleton and chromosomes themselves may be central to cell responses to topography. In this report we move these studies into human skeletal or mesenchymal stem cells and propose that direct (mechanical) signalling is important in the early stages of tuning stem cell fate to nanotopography. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Affymetrix arrays we have evidence that nanotopography stimulates changes in nuclear organisation that can be linked to spatially regulated genes expression with a particular focus on phenotypical genes. For example, chromosome 1 was seen to display the largest numbers of gene deregulations and also a concomitant change in nuclear positioning in response to nanotopography. Plotting of deregulated genes in reference to band positioning showed that topographically related changes tend to happen towards the telomeric ends of the chromosomes, where bone related genes are generally clustered. Such an approach offers a better understanding of cell–surface interaction and, critically, provides new insights of how to control stem cell differentiation with future applications in areas including regenerative medicine.
Funding Information
  • BBSRC (BB/G008868/1)