Proteome‐Wide Anti–Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Anti‐HIV Antibody Profiling for Predicting and Monitoring the Response to HCV Therapy in HIV‐Coinfected Patients

We quantified antibody responses to the hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteome that are associated with sustained virologic response (SVR) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ HCV–coinfected patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Analysis of pre- and posttreatment samples revealed significant decreases in the combined anti-core, anti- E1, and anti-NS4 HCV antibody titers in those with SVRs but not in those who experienced relapse or who did not respond. Furthermore, anti-HIV p24 antibody titers inversely correlated with treatment response. These results suggest that profiling anti–HCV antibody is useful for monitoring HCV therapy, especially in discriminating between those who experience relapse and those who have SVRs at 48 weeks.