Perifolliculitis Capitis Abscedens et Suffodiens

Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens is a rare chronic inflammatory scalp disease of unknown etiology. It is a painful suppurative process which forms abscesses that burrow under the scalp, producing multiple points of purulent drainage. Alopecia occurs over the abscesses, and there is scarring, frequently hypertrophic, at the sites of involvement. Patients with this disease occasionally have a similar suppurative process of the scrotum and of the axillae. It is highly resistant to treatment, often lasting many years, although spontaneous temporary remissions have occurred. Treatment usually consists of incision and drainage, compresses, systemic and local antibiotics in conjunction, at times, with epilating doses of x-ray. The purpose of this paper is to report 6 cases observed by the authors at Letterman General Hospital and to add to the available information on the etiology, pathology, and treatment of this disease. Report of Cases Except for the duration and extent of their