Automated design and fabrication of ocular optics

Automated computer-aided procedure for component selection, optical design, and optimization was developed and used to produce prototype ocular optics of a head-mounted display for biomedical imaging, with the field of view and resolution approaching those of normal human vision. The new display has the potential to dramatically increase the amount and fidelity of real-time visual information presented to the user. The selected approach was based on a tiled configuration and "optically stitched" virtual image, resulting in seamless imagery generated by multiple micro-displays. Several optical configurations were studied in the design stage, to arrive at the optimal optical layout. The automated procedure provided for extensive search of the best candidate stock components out of thousands of candidate lenses offered by different vendors. At each iteration, the candidate lens was "digitally inserted" in the optical layout, its position was optimized, and the achieved merit function characterizing the quality of the stitched image was stored, along with the design prescription. A few best designs were then closely evaluated in a traditional "manual" procedure. The design effort was followed by experimental demonstration and tests of a limited prototype optical system.