Host response assessment in recurring periodontitis

Data derived from periodontitis patients have provided support for a relationship between the distribution of selected members of the periodontopathic microbiota and antibody levels to the intact bacteria in both serum and GCF. These data are consistent with the systemic antibody as a reflection of the host response to an infectious process associated with an episode of disease activity. The purpose of this report is to address the concept that the host antibody responses may help to elucidate the specific etiologic agents and be used to model the risk for future periodontal disease progression in recurring periodontitis. These findings from one study in adult periodontitis patients indicated that elevations in certain antibody specificities are most closely associated with patients exhibiting a risk of disease recurrence. Furthermore, analysis of the frequency of antibody elevations suggested that patients capable of maintaining elevated antibody to these pathogens post-treatment, may be indicative of an individual at less risk. A 2nd investigation was implemented to address questions concerning host-parasite interactions in A. actinomycetemcomitans-associated recurring periodontitis. The results showed distinctive characteristics of local and systemic antibody responses and A. actinomycetemcomitans infection in patients with varying extents of recurrent disease. These longitudinal studies developed evidence for the potential of local and/or systemic antibody responses as indicators of periodontal disease recurrence.