The practicing clinician is currently faced with a number of treatment options for chronic hepatitis B. Beginning in 1998 with the licensing of lamivudine and subsequently adefovir, the treatment paradigm shifted from 4 to 6 months of conventional alfa interferon to a year of nucleoside analog therapy. However, prolonged treatment with nucleoside analogs is often needed to optimize virological response. Recently, a 48‐week regimen of pegylated interferon for hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)‐positive and HBeAg‐negative chronic hepatitis B has been shown to be effective, and long‐term nucleoside analog therapy has been demonstrated to maintain viral suppression. These findings have added to the complexity of decision‐making and have raised questions about whether a finite course of pegylated interferon or nucleoside analog therapy, with possible long‐term maintenance, is better as first‐line therapy. Each of these fundamentally different approaches has advantages and limitations, and both have a place in the therapeutic armamentarium against chronic hepatitis B. Long‐term therapy with nucleoside analogs, however, raises a number of practical concerns that have not been fully addressed as of yet. I will present evidence in support of the recommendation that antiviral therapy should ideally be directed toward achieving the highest rate of viral clearance with the shortest interval of treatment. (Hepatology 2006;43:S182–S193.)