Mandibular Reconstruction Using the Preformed Autologous Bone Graft

Preformed bone grafts (PBG) were inserted in large jaw bone defects in 5 patients. The grafts in all cases healed-in rapidly. Two patients died of metastatic sarcoma 1 year after grafting. The other patients are healthy with excellently functioning grafts 3, 5 and 8 years after transplantation, respectively. The preformation of bone grafts is, however, regarded as a resource consuming technique that should be used only in selected cases of mandibular reconstruction. Particularly in young individuals, the better results achieved with PBG, in comparison with other types of grafts, seem to justify the more complicated surgical procedure. Apart from a description of the preformation technique, the present paper also introduces advice as how to minimally traumatize the hard tissues in bone graft surgery.

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