Synthesis of glycosylated cationic porphyrins as potential agents in photodynamic therapy

Trisalkylpyridinium porphyrins substituted by one glycosyl (glucosyl, maltosyl, and lactosyl) moiety have been prepared in acceptable yields. These glycosylated cationic porphyrins have been synthesized from pyrrole condensed with 4-pyridinecarboxaldehyde, and suitable ortho- or para peracetylglycosyloxybenzaldehyde derivatives in refluxing propionic acid –Ac2O followed by action of alkyliodide in DMF. Deprotection of the glycosylated moieties led to a new class of representative glycosylated porphyrins. Key words: porphyrins, cationic, glycosylated; phototherapy, cancer.