CD43, a molecule defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, binds ICAM-1

THE protein CD43 (also known as sialophorin, leukosialin, large sialoglycoprotein or gp115) is expressed on the surface of T lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, platelets and some B lymphocytes1–6. Expression of CD43 is deficient and/or defective in the X-chromosome-linked immunodeficiency disorder Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome7, suggesting that CD43 might have a role in T-cell activation. We have shown that expression of human CD43 in an HLA-DR-specific murine T-cell hybridoma enhances the antigen-specific response to stimulation by the human lympho-blastoid cell line Daudi, and that Daudi cells bind specifically to purified immobilized CD43 (ref. 8). These data indicate that the specific interaction of CD43 with a ligand on the surface of Daudi cells might contribute to T-cell activation. Here we report evidence that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, or CD54), is a ligand for CD43.