Distribution of Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment along Abonnema Shoreline, Nigeria

The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb in water and sediment collected along Abonnema shoreline were determined using GBC Avanta flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer version 2.02. The metal concentrations in water ranged from < 0.001 -0.0772 mg/l Cu, 0.1139 - 6.1168 mg/l Zn, 0.0002 - 0.0012 mg/l Pb, 0.05). The shoreline was considered critically contaminated as the concentrations of Cr, Zn and Cu exceeded permissible limits set by Rivers State ministry of environment, Federal Environmental Protection Agency and World Health Organization and therefore pose serious environmental concern. Low pH, high commercial activities, wastes, tidal and wave actions influenced the concentrations of metals in the area. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the water, sediment and sea foods were recommended.