Essential Oils ofCinnamomumSpecies from Peninsular Malaysia

The chemical composition of the leaf, bark and wood oils of seven Malaysian Cinnamomum species (C. pubescens, C. javanicum, C. iners, C. impressicostatum, C. mollissimum, C. porrectum and C. camphora) was examined by co-chromatography with authentic samples on three columns of different polarity, capillary GC/MS and selective proton NMR. The major components of the leaf, bark and wood oils were identified. These species could be useful new natural sources for safrole, eugenol, linalool, camphor and benzyl benzoate, which are commercially important chemicals in the flavor, fragrance and pharmaceutical industries. The distribution and accumulation of the compounds in different parts of the plant within the same species or among different species may be used for taxonomic purposes and for future use in the identification of possible varieties of Cinnamomum species.

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