Colostrum-derived B and T cells as an extra-lymphoid compartment of effector cell populations in humans

Colostrum contains cellular components that convey immunological protection to offspring. In the present study the main subsets of lymphocytes present in colostrum and in peripheral blood of healthy screened mothers were compared through the evaluation of >15 different flow cytometry markers. Colostrum and peripheral blood samples were collected within 3 days after full-term delivery. Flow cytometry assays and laboratory tests were performed soon after collection. Among B cells, percentages of CD19+CD5+ cells, pertaining to natural immunity system, were significantly higher in colostrum than in peripheral blood (33 vs. 5%, p = 0.047). CD4+ T cells, effector cells (CD45RA+/CD27–) and effector memory cells (CD45RA–/CD27–) were significantly higher in colostrum (p < 0.001) than in peripheral blood, as well as activated CD4+ T cells (HLA–DR+) (36% vs. 6% p = 0.0022) and CD4+ terminally differentiated effector T cells (CD57+) (p < 0.001). With regards to CD8+ T cells, a comparable significant increase in effector (p < 0.02) and effector memory cells (p < 0.001) was also observed. Moreover, an increased surface expression of HLA-DR and CD57 (p < 0.001) on CD8+ T cells in colostrum was detected. Colostrum contains a different distribution of lymphocyte subsets with respect to peripheral blood from mothers, confirming the observation that lymphocytes probably migrate in milk in a selective way. Colostrum T and B lymphocytes appear to be enriched with subsets possessing effector functions or belonging to the innate immune system, what could transfer a prompt line of defence to offspring.