Geographical information system of fire incidents data monitoring

This geographic information system is built as a tool to monitor fire incidents data, taken from the reports of the fire department. The Purpose of this study is to monitoring fire incidents data, so that it can facilitate firefighters to monitor areas that have high occurrence of fires. Therefore, they can prevent fires from occurring. The information system is expected to have benefit in decreasing the rate of fire incidents, mostly by socializing to the publics the prevention of fires in areas where it often occurs. This research was conducted by using the Unified Software Development Process methodology; starting from the analysis model stage, design model, deployment model, implementation model, and testing model. The design model used in this research is Unified Modelling Language which is tested by using the black box method. The result of this study is the implementation of geographic information system that can monitor fire incidents data through the location of the incident. Moreover, this system can improve the performance of firefighters in anticipating and preventing the incidents.

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