
Migration, absorption, or toxicity of prosthetic materials has always plagued the plastic surgeon attempting to ameliorate soft-tissue deficiencies and other contour abnormalities. Our previous work to develop textured-surface breast prostheses has led to the development of micronized, inert, biphasic copolymer particles that neither migrate nor become absorbed by the body. These particles are textured, of critical dimension, and, when mixed with a bioexcretable gel vehicle, can be implanted using a special blunt-tipped cannula. Our experimentation in rabbit ears has shown that the bioexcretable gel component is rapidly phagocytized and is replaced by fibrin-like matrix within 3 days. The fibrin is then replaced by host collagen that gradually converts into a fibrotic encasement around each texturized particle. Clinical use of the substance in a variety of soft-tissue deficiencies has been generally effective, with only a few complications, when followed for 1 year.