The Influence of Wideband Amplifier Supply on the Consistency Level of Multi-Spectral Fluctuation Pattern

This study discusses the influence of WBA (wide band amplifier) supply against the performance of consistency level of multi-spectral fluctuation pattern, which is the output of the MCS (Multi Frequency Capacitive Sensor). In order to obtain some significant impacts on the sensor output, there are several methods that are employed in this study. Firstly, the sensor equipment MSC is designed, followed by setting up the equipment used in this study. Furthermore, there will be some setting circuits of WBA supply by using two input sources, such as source of AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current). The material used is material mixture between H2O and HCl. In addition, the results will be analyzed statistically that the data is observed based on the value of HHF (high-high fluctuation) and fluctuations value in VMR (variance to mean ratio). Whereas, the result reveals that the WBA supply with battery supply performs the highest of consistency level fluctuations pattern compared to others WBA supply, which is the average value obtained by statistical observations is 98.67% and the value of VMR is 0.0073. It is noticeable to say that by achieving the biggest consistency value of multi spectral fluctuation pattern, then a comparison between two of different materials can perform well.