Discharge phenomena associated with a preheated wire explosion in vacuum: Theory and comparison with experiment

This paper presents the experimental and simulation results of electrical explosions of preheated tungsten wires at a current rise time of several tens of nanoseconds and at a current density of 108Acm2 . The electrical characteristics of wire explosion (WE) were measured. The image of a wire during the electrical explosion was obtained with the help of a framing camera. The proposed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model takes into account different stages of WE, namely, the wire heating and vaporization, the phase transition, and the shunting discharge. Two different mathematical approaches were used for WE simulation at different stages. At the first stage, the simulation included a code describing the wire state. At the second stage, the shunting discharge was simulated together with the wire state. The simulation code includes the set of MHD equations, the equilibrium equation of state (density and temperature-dependent pressure and specific internal energy), electron transport models (density and temperature-dependent electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity), and electric circuit equations. Thermionic emission and vapor ionization initiate the plasma layer, which develops around the wire core and supports the shunting discharge. The calculated waveforms of the wire voltage and current, as well as the velocity of the expanding plasma, are in a good agreement with the experimental data.