Rhabdoid Transformation of Tumor Cells in Meningiomas

Four cases of meningeal tumors in adults (ages ranging from 28 to 84 years) are presented. All had the typical gross appearance of meningiomas at operation. In three tumors, areas of meningothelial or fibroblastic meningiomas showed transition to cell groups of the rhabdoid type. In the fourth case only rhabdoid cells were encountered, possibly representing a total "take-over" of a meningioma by rhabdoid elements. In the three cases with mixed pattern, the rhabdoid cells showed more anaplasia and atypism than the conventional meningiomatous elements. In case 3 this was expressed by very high MIB-1 positivity in the rhabdoid cells and absence of same in the fibroblastic meningiomatous elements. These cases (the first three with certainty, the fourth with a strong likelihood) indicate that the phenotypic changes to cells with "rhabdoid" morphology may involve meningiomas and that such change is associated with aggressive biologic and clinical behavior of the tumors showing this type of alteration.