Geometrically invariant watermarking using feature points

This paper presents a new approach for watermarking of digital images providing robustness to geometrical distortions. The weaknesses of classical watermarking methods to geometrical distortions are outlined first. Geometrical distortions can be decomposed into two classes: global transformations such as rotations and translations and local transformations such as the StirMark attack. An overview of existing self-synchronizing schemes is then presented. Theses schemes can use periodical properties of the mark, invariant properties of transforms, template insertion, or information provided by the original image to counter geometrical distortions. Thereafter, a new class of watermarking schemes using the image content is presented. We propose an embedding and detection scheme where the mark is bound with a content descriptor defined by salient points. Three different types of feature points are studied and their robustness to geometrical transformations is evaluated to develop an enhanced detector. The embedding of the signature is done by extracting feature points of the image and performing a Delaunay tessellation on the set of points. The mark is embedded using a classical additive scheme inside each triangle of the tessellation. The detection is done using correlation properties on the different triangles. The performance of the presented scheme is evaluated after JPEG compression, geometrical attack and transformations. Results show that the fact that the scheme is robust to these different manipulations. Finally, in our concluding remarks, we analyze the different perspectives of such content-based watermarking scheme.

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