Primaxin in the treatment of acute bacterial pneumonia in adults

Imipenctn (N-Formimidoyl thienamycin) (MK-0787) is a new β-lactam carbapenem antibiotic. When it is combined with the renal dipeptidasc inhibitor cilastatin (MK-0791) the combination is known as primaxin. In this study 28 adult patients (24 males and 4 females) with acute bacterial pneumonia were treated with primaxin. Twenty-one patients were evaluable and 20 (95%) were clinically cured of their pneumonia. Bacteriological cures were demonstrated in 84% of the cases. One patient with a susceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa failed. Major complications or toxic reactions included antibiotic associated diarrhoea in one patient; hypotension in one patient; increased grand mal seizures in one patient and elevated liver function studies in one patient. Results of this study suggest that primaxin will be useful in the treatment of a variety of serious Gram-positive and Gram-negative pneumonias. The true incidence of possible toxic reactions with this drug is not known at this time and awaits further experience