Acute Renal Failure Associated with Elevated Plasma Oncotic Pressure

THE rate of glomerular filtration is governed by the imbalance between positive hydraulic forces that promote fluid movement into Bowman's space and negative oncotic forces that retard such movement.1 , 2 The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) may be expressed as where Kf is the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, Δ̅Ρ̅ is the mean difference in hydraulic pressure, and Δ̅π̅ is the mean difference in oncotic pressure. Because glomerular filtrate is essentially free of protein, the value for Δ̅π̅ is determined primarily by oncotic pressure within the glomerular capillary.Acute renal failure induced by ischemia or cellular toxins is characterized by alterations in glomerular . . .