Comparing two insomnia detection models of clinical diagnosis techniques

Sleep disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent in society. However most of the burgeoning research on automated sleep analysis has been in the realm of sleep stage classification with limited focus on accurately diagnosing these disorders. In this paper, we explore two different models to discriminate between control and insomnia patients using support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. We validated the models using data collected from 124 participants, 70 control and 54 with insomnia. The first model uses 57 features derived from two channels of EEG data and achieved an accuracy of 81%. The second model uses 15 features from each participant's hypnogram and achieved an accuracy of 74%. The impetus behind using these two models is to follow the clinician's diagnostic decision-making process where both the EEG signals and the hypnograms are used. These results demonstrate that there is potential for further experimentation and improvement of the predictive capability of the models to help in diagnosing sleep disorders like insomnia.