The Retinoic Acid Derivative Ro 11-1430 in Acne vulgaris

In a double-blind controlled multicenter trial consisting of 257 patients with acne vulgaris an 8-week topical treatment with the retinoic acid derivative Ro 11-1430 (0.1% lotion) was compared with vitamin A acid (0.05% lotion) and the lotion alone (placebo). In reducing the number of comedones vitamin A acid was superior to Ro 11-1430, which was significantly better than placebo. The reduction in number of papules and pustules was not statistically significant on either treatment. Local side effects, i.e. erythema, desquamation, burning and pruritus occurred more frequently and were more severe on vitamin A acid than on Ro 11-1430 and placebo which did not differ. No correlation was found between incidence and severity of local reactions and therapeutic effect.