Minimal path for transport in networks

This report examines transport through networks in which transport across each bond in the network requires exceeding a microscopic threshold potential ΔVimin. In particular, we examine the macroscopic gradient ∇Vmin at which transport begins, as a function of the distribution of microscopic thresholds ΔVimin. Applications of this ‘‘minimal path’’ or ‘‘breakdown’’ problem include electrical conduction through networks of diodes and the flow of Bingham plastics through porous media. Two simple models are examined, including a solution for ∇Vmin for a Bethe- (or Cayley-) tree network. One simple model, based on taking the average of ΔVimin among the percolation-threshold fraction of low-ΔVimin bonds, agrees remarkably well with both the Bethe-tree results and with the Monte Carlo studies for square and cubic networks. However, the Bethe-tree model shows that the minimal path samples the low end of this fraction most heavily. Doing so, it is aided by the existence of bonds with ΔVimin just above the value at the percolation threshold. Evidently the minimal path occasionally passes through these high-ΔVimin bonds in order to access large clusters of low-ΔVimin bonds.

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