Quantization of Macroscopic Motions and Hydrodynamics of Rotating Helium II

This paper is a review of experimental data and theoretical studies devoted to the rotating helium ii problem. The problem arose when helium ii appeared to be rotating as a whole in a uniformly rotated container, while dragging of its superfluid component into rotation of a cylindrical vessel seemed impossible due to the absence of viscosity and Landau's requirement curl vs=0. Later it was found that imitation of a solid body rotation by helium ii is realized by means of Onsager-Feynman's vortex lines which possess quantized circulation. In a uniformly rotating vessel they are distributed approximately uniformly along its cross section, aligned parallel to the axis of rotation, and cause a complicated velocity distribution at which curl vs=(2πm)Σvδ(rrv), that is, Landau's requirement is valid everywhere excluding singular lines where the curl is equal to infinity (rv is a two-dimensional radius vector of a vortex line in an arbitrary plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation).