Making Myc

Myc regulates to some degree every major process in the cell. Proliferation, growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and metabolism are all under Myc control. In turn, these processes feed back to adjust the level of c-myc expression. Although Myc is regulated at every level from RNA synthesis to protein degradation, c-myc transcription is particularly responsive to multiple diverse physiological and pathological signals. These signals are delivered to the c-myc promoter by a wide variety of transcription factors and chromatin remodeling complexes. How these diverse and sometimes disparate signals are processed to manage the output of the c-myc promoter involves chromatin, recruitment of the transcription machinery, post-initiation transcriptional regulation, and mechanisms to provide dynamic feedback. Understanding these mechanisms promises to add new dimensions to models of transcriptional control and to reveal new strategies to manipulate Myc levels.