Biomechanical evaluation of rotator cuff fixation methods

Initial fixation strength and failure mode for various rotator cuff reattachment techniques (variations of the McLaughlin technique) were evaluated. Repair methods included standard suture (control), reinforced suture [expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) patch and polydioxanone (PDS) tape augmentation] and stapling (nonarthroscopic and arthroscopic soft-tissue staples). The average strength of intact rotator cuff tissue (su praspinatus tendon) was also determined. The different rotator cuff repairs, including at least one control, were performed on fresh-frozen human cadaver shoulder pairs. Repairs were tested to failure in pure tension with the shoulder fixed in 60° of abduction. Load and displacement data were normalized to controls, grouped according to failure modes, and statistically analyzed. The two basic failure modes observed were 1) bone failure, or suture tearing through the bone (indicating weak bone stock) and 2) tendon failure, or suture tearing of the rotator cuff. Gross comparisons between intact and repaired tendons indicated that the intact tendon was two to three times stronger than the repaired tendon. Based on the mode of failure and lack of increased strength after repair, the use of staples for cuff attachment is discouraged. PDS tape suture rein forcement did not increase fixation strength. In con trast, PTFE patch suture augmentation demonstrated statistically higher initial failure loads than did the control and was of specific benefit for shoulders with weak bone stock.

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