Unilateral, isometric bite force in 8‐68‐year‐old women and men related to occlusal factors

Unilateral bite force was studied in 63 women and 59 men, 8-68 yr of age. The subjects had a minimum of 24 teeth and no symptoms or signs of disorders of the craniomandibular system. Bite force was stronger in men (522 N) than in women (441 N). It increased with age until 25 yr (P less than 0.0001). The level decreased significantly after this age in women, whereas it only tended to decrease in men and not until after 45 yr of age. Body height was positively associated with force. However, the strongest correlation (r: 0.43-0.49, P less than 0.01) with adult bite force was occlusal contact. The normal bite-force values with important determining factors provide reference data for screening of elevator muscle strength in routine examination of craniomandibular function.